LEGO by: Justin R. "Saber-Scorpion" Stebbins
Weight Range: Heavy
Speed: Slow
Mobility: Land only (wheels)
Armaments: Anti-personnel minigun turret, 2 anti-vehicle energy cannons, 1
STEG mortar cannon, 2 infantry gunner support platforms
Capacity: 1 driver, 2 gunners, 4-6 passengers

Grimm realized when he first
created his mercenary army that they would be moving around a LOT, so he
had to have a mobile command base to command troops on the field. To that
end, he began custom building a mobile command center.

The Grim Army Mobile Command
Center is actually made out of an outdated Zygbarese troop transport.
Grimm modified it by adding extra guns and a central section for his radar
dish attachment.

The boosters on the back can be
used to give the vehicle added speed, though they don't always work just

The name "STEG" is actually the
abbreviation for the giant mortar cannon on the back of the vehicle. It
stands for Superior Tactical Energy Gun... or something like that. But
anyway, since the vehicle itself bears a
slight resemblance to a stegosaurus, Grimm's troops use the name
"STEG" to refer to the whole vehicle.

I made this creation for a LEGO
"wheeled vehicle" contest on my website forums. I usually don't do wheels,
so it was something different for me.

Lately I've been using more and
more SNOT on my creations. I've also been making them more and more
studless. This has resulted in bizarre cravings while building. "Need
tiles!" So I had to order one of those 100 black 2x2 tiles packages from

Remember: When fighting a
mercenary army, the best way to get them to stop attacking is to pay them
more than they're getting paid to kill you. Some men fight for honor,
recognition, or patriotism... but mercs just fight for cash.

The platforms on either side of
the STEG seat a pair of defensive snipers. These guys are protected by
energy shields projected by those bars you see in front of them.

Some of you may appreciate that
this is not as colorful as most of my Nova Refuge creations. But if you
say so, I'll get mad. So... pleh!

If you haven't caught on, it's
called STEG because of the Stegosaurus-like spines... I'm sure you can see
them. I was looking at a LEGO Stegosaurus while I built this thing and I
thought it would be a cool idea.

A few of the wheels look like
they're turned "inside out." I would make a sci-fi excuse for that, but I
can't really think of one. It's actually because they're a lot less of a
hassle to attach that way, and they still roll just as good.

Grimm's Army doesn't enforce a
dress code, but they do like to put their skull symbol on everything. If
you'll notice, the skull on the back of the vehicle (on the black part) is
drawn to look like it was sloppily painted on. I worked hard getting that
skull to look that downright cool.

Just to prove the mortar cannon
CAN swivel down. Here is M2 giving the orders to fire. Yeah, most of the
troops in this photo shoot are characters people submitted for my Takeover
of Mordark LEGO comic.

Here is the front section of the
vehicle, broken off. Notice the swiveling machine gun turret on top, which
is very effective against enemy troops... though it's more fun just to run
them over.

No, those aren't boosters on the
back. I was more thinking "power cores" or maybe "fuel tanks" myself.
Something like that.

No, that pilot isn't from Xarkon.
Sometimes Grim Army soldiers wear whatever armor they can find, you know.

Here is the radar section removed. Grimm himself is here to inspect it.

I left those studs showing for a
reason: people sit there to use the controls.

Here is the radar screen. With its
snazzy rotating radar dish, the STEG can detect hidden enemy units! It's
not as powerful as the Fox Ear Radar Dish, but it'll do. Man I wish I
could make this into a strategy game...

Pile on in, soldiers!

This is the vehicle's main control
center. Notice the blue hologram panel. I chose that one in particular
because it looks sort of like it could be used for aiming the mortar

We're off to conquer some small
nation now. See you again later, perhaps when we invade a colony near you!