LEGO by: Justin R. "Saber-Scorpion" Stebbins
Weight Range: Medium
Speed: Fast
Flight Capability: Air and Space, Long-range (Interstellar Drive)
Armaments: 2 quad blazer machine gun arrays, 2 small missile racks, 2 medium
Capacity: 1 pilot

When the now-notorious Stormflyer Corporation was
first first going out of business, they were desperate to sell the
high-end fighter design they had been producing. But when it was unveiled
at the Daggarech Showroom for the first time, the Big Four turned it down,
decrying it as too dangerous, reckless, and expensive to produce.
Desperate for any way to keep afloat, the company sought the only means
left to them: the illegal ones. So it was that they secured top secret
contracts with the Helexith Coalition... and Grimm's Mercenary Army, which
was more than happy to buy the very prototype fighter that the wealthier
nations had turned down, since an up-close and dirty fighter was more
Grimm's style, and a ship with built-in Starlight drive was necessary for
the army, which lacked a sizeable capital ship fleet.

This is the vehicle that Stormflyer sent to Grimm's Army: the Vulture
Aerospace Fighter. Its was not designed for beauty or innovation, for
Grimm asked for neither of these. He simply asked for a fast, tough,
powerful and effective aerospace fighter, a no-nonsense craft. The
Vulture is exactly that.

The Vulture is a much sleeker
and less junky-looking vehicle than most of the things in Grimm's Army.
This is because Grimm originally had almost no aerospace craft. When he
earned enough money to afford one, he purchased this special design. Since
they were so expensive, Grimm makes sure his troops keep them nice and
neat. They have to fight with the Victorians a lot, so it makes sense to
have a good fighter.

And the Vulture is a good
fighter. It's tough and heavily armed, yet fast and extremely agile, with
additional boosters used for turning, as well as a tail flap for
atmospheric flight. All of this makes it as agile as some lighter fighter

The machine gun array on the wing
is an especially deadly weapon. Capable of dishing out a shower of Blazer
bullets on enemy fighters, the Vulture is the ultimate anti-fighter
fighter. This was Grimm's purpose in purchasing it, since it is now the
main fighter of his army.

One of the things I couldn't incorporate into the ship was retractable
landing gear. The front foot retracts, but the two feet on the back have
to be detached and reattached when necessary.
By the way, this fighter was originally called the
Cloudbreaker, but I changed its name to the Vulture, something I
considered in the first place, after giving it a lot of thought. Vulture
just fits it too well.

The tail is much beefier than on
my original design, and it actually looks like it serves a purpose. I like
for things to serve a purpose, even if sometimes I'm sort of just making
up excuses. But I think they're pretty good excuses. Take my Fox Ear Radar
dishes on the Fox and Manegarm for example.

The engine is split in half by the
tail. The body of this fighter is an odd number of studs wide, which made
it rather difficult to build since most LEGO parts are an even number of
studs long. But this design was necessary for the tail and the split
cockpit to look right. Basically I wanted it to look like it had a blade
running through the middle of it.

The blade has a green outline on
top, as if it has been cutting into aliens. Some people
didn't like the green streak, but I think it looks pretty dang sweet, myself.

Here's the pilot. As you can see,
the windshield opens up just like the cockpit on my Xarkon Thrym Siege
Tank. I liked the idea and wanted to use it again. No neural link helmet
this time! Isn't the pilot cool, with his classic LEGO sunglasses head?
LEGO had made a lot of pseudo-cool heads now, like the punks in Alpha
Team, but none of them match the pure coolness of a classic smiley with

The cockpit. This one's a bit
strange, since the pilot sits sort of off to one side. It think it turned
out great though, heh. What? You wanted a chair? Well apparently this
pilot didn't. Grimm's pilots get to customize their fighters a lot, you
know. Most of the Vultures now have some crazy patterns painted on them
like shark jaws and stuff.

I could have sworn I already wrote
a caption for a picture from this very angle. Bah, I snapped too many.
It's hard to write captions for pictures that look just the same.
Here's an attempt though:

Unless I'm not counting something
that I should technically be counting, this ship is COMPLETELY STUDLESS
once again! Haha! I've gotten to the point where I start building studless
things reflexively now. It's a new thing for me.

Oh no! HIDDEN STUDS! But the wings
don't come up like this normally, of course. And they wouldn't stay down
at the proper angles if I covered the studs with tiles. Anyway, the
missiles. They're necessary, because some ships are still even more
maneuverable than the Vulture. When it can't catch them in a storm of
machinegun fire, out come the missiles.

The belly of the beast.

Some people fussed about this ship not being unique enough. Well, if
you're looking for some bizarre, multi-winged, asymmetrical spacecraft,
look elsewhere. Sometimes simple, sleek coolness works best, in my
opinion. This design (with forward-curving wings and a long tail) has
always been one of my favorites, and you can expect to see me use it on
other ships in the future as well. I think it looks way cooler than
something totally weird that hardly even looks like a fighter.

Another desktop image for the