LEGO by: Justin R. "Saber-Scorpion" Stebbins

As Slashrim grow older, they do grow more senile and
stupid. But they most certainly do not grow weaker. Indeed, the Slashrim
never stop growing larger and stronger throughout their entire life.
Eventually they reach Stage 5... the Wogrok. These great beasts have the
minds of utter simpletons, and their bodies are so massive that they
usually have to shuffle about on all fours like gorillas when moving. But
the Wogrok are second in strength and power only to the Stage 6 Slashrim,
the Sovalok.

Humans sometimes call the Wogrok "ogres." Due to their massive size, the
Wogrok are usually employed as siege weapons by the Mahlok. They have
enough strength to smash down buildings and even enemy walkers, using
their ferocious claws to tear them apart. The Wogrok are also sometimes
used as personal mounts by the Zrillak, who saw the horns off their back
and affix a saddle there.

Due to their stupidity, orders given to the Wogrok often have to be
reinforced with pain. It may seem evil to Humans to treat an elder of the
same species in such a way, but the Slashrim do not see it as such. They
worship combat, and keeping an elder of their kind fighting in the field
is a great respect in their eyes. After all, is it not better to die in
the heat of battle than to fade away into old age and simply die?

One reason the Slashrim don't get along too well with Humans and Sarran is
because they love the way they taste. Mmm... fleshy!
The LEGO Slashrim life cycle continues with the
Slashrim Sovalok!