LEGO by: Justin R. "Saber-Scorpion" Stebbins
Weight Range: Medium
Speed: Medium
Flight Abilities: Air and space, medium-range, no Interstellar Drive
Armaments: 3 blazer machine guns, 1 large missile rack (can be equipped with
a payload of air-to-air missiles or heavy rockets), 4-6 bombs
Capacity: 1 pilot

The word Goryo, meaning "honorable spirit," comes from
Japanese myth. The Goryo were the vengeful spirits of dead nobles,
especially those who had been martyred. They could control the weather and
cause great cataclysms until they got their revenge or were appeased in
some other way.

The bombs of the Yavakarese Goryo Bomber are more powerful than any storms
the Goryo could cause! This bomber is the favorite of the Yavakarese
military, though they do have heavier models in use as well. This smaller
bomber has no Interstellar Drive and a limited amount of fuel, so it can't
go too far from the mothership or aircraft carrier.

The ship certainly looks best from the rear, unfortunately. I started
building this actually because I simply wanted to use that big pink arch
piece for an engine on something. So the entire ship was built around that
piece. I tried to make the front match up with the coolness I achieved
with the rear, but I couldn't quite do it.

Greeblicious maintenance hatch! I've finally learned that greebling only
works if all of the greebles are the same color. Yeah, there's some old
grey and silvery-grey in there, but it all matches up fine I think.
Besides, machinery is rarely all the same color. Duh.

The yellow seat and bombs reflect my early plan to have yellow as
Yavakaro's main color (instead of purple). I changed this when I decided
yellow should be the main color for the Sarran instead. As you can see
here, the ship is armed with a big tube full of missiles, three blazer
machine guns, and several bombs (six in this case, which you can see on
the belly later).

Interior shot! Yeah, I made the top easily removable for just this
purpose. Here you can see the computer behind the pilot's seat, the
compressed gas fuel tank in the section behind the pilot, and of course
the missile tube.

But what use does a bomber have with so many air-to-air missiles? Well, in
case another kind of ammunition is needed, we can just switch these boys

... and stick in the heavy rockets! These massive missiles are used for
maximum punch - usually in space, and usually against capital ships or
something near that size.

Shving! Isn't it great when a cockpit can open without you having to
remove the whole canopy the cheap way?

The cockpit's a bit cramped, I know. This ain't no Sarran fighter, buddy!
Hey, look, controls! Sure, you can't actually see them when the canopy is
closed, but eh, let's just pretend, shall we?

Personally I really like the way this bomber turned out. It's sleek enough
to look cool and artistic, yet big and lumbering enough to pass as a
bomber. In case you didn't notice, I used those Explorien cockpit pieces
for the wings. It's about time I found a decent use for those huge,
annoying things.

Here's the belly I was talking about. Not nearly as sleek as the top, but
hey, it has bombs! There are six bombs: four with the yellow heads that
drop straight down, and two more with missile fins. The things with the
red rings are... hmm... fuel drop tanks, maybe? Yeah, someone told me this
bomber could use some of those. Heh.

The bomber's large engines burn a lot of Starlight Gas, after all, and
hey, it's needed to get this heavy of a payload off the ground, especially
with such relatively short wings. Luckily it also has a few hoverpads to
give it that extra boost at first.

Fill 'er up! It's time for a test flight... By the way, the trans-red cone
there is an alarm light, for that "Red Alert" feeling to get the pilot
tense when her shields are down or worse.

Graceful, isn't it? Like a rather fat bird. Ignore the grotesque alien
appendage reaching out to grab it. It's just some kind of asteroid slug or

Still looks best from the back. Some people told me to put more purple.
Well, gee, I don't have *much* purple to put! Besides, I don't especially
like purple so I'd rather keep the ships mostly white.

The protectors of Yavakaro fly off on another mission to keep peace in the
galaxy! By blowing stuff up!