LEGO by: Justin R. "Saber-Scorpion" Stebbins

Yavakaro is a nation that concentrates on such things as technology,
economy, and culture over military power. Because of their concentration
on technology, however, they often develop devices that can also find a
military use. Because of their economy, they can afford to give such
technology to the majority of their soldiers. And because of their
culture... they also have some really cool-looking stuff.

First of all, here's the Yavakaro pilot that you've already seen with my
Goryo bomber. She says hi.

On the ground, however, combat still falls back to the basics: the
soldier. And Yavakaro makes sure its soldiers are equipped with the best
gear it can afford. For some variety, I thought I'd show my various
minifigs in action this time, so here is a group of Yavakarese soldiers in
combat in the streets of a Zygbari city.

The commander here (note the different helmet) is a man named Brutus Ares,
rumored to be a distant cousin of Lucas Mars himself. This is only a
rumor, however, and it's far more likely that the two men simply knew each
other in the past. In any event, they hate each other for unknown
reasons... reasons neither one has seen fit to divulge. Ares has risen
through the ranks of Yavakaro as fast as Mars has risen through Xarkon,
but he does not share Mars's aspirations. He prefers to lead his squad of
infantry on the battlefield, as seen here.

"Hey man, get back from there and take cover! Are you crazy?!"

"We'd better take cover! I think this one's a crazy!"

With their advanced technology, the Yavakaro soldiers triumph!
I put a lot of thought into the design of the Yavakarese battle armor. I
wanted it to look artistic and unique, but effective and technologically
advanced. I think it came out well... in fact, I think it came out almost
TOO well - these minifigs are way more detailed than my old Xarkon
soldiers! I may have to go back and update them with more detailed decals
just to keep things even. Just as a side-note though: Yavakarese armor of
the type shown here actually isn't *quite* as effective or rich in
features as Xarkonian infantry armor.

One thing to note is the visor decals, with the comm. mics and the
"headlights." I wasn't originally going to include these, but when I
looked at the finished minifig I knew the helmet needed something. These
are my first visor decals, and they went through several different designs
before I was satisfied. The design on the commander's visor is one
example. Oh, and here's a game you can play while looking at all the
minifigs: see how many Yavakaro "eye" symbols you can find "hidden" in the
designs on all of the different armor types.

Of course, the lightweight standard infantry armor isn't great for all
situations: such as in space or underwater. For that, a more advanced suit
was developed. Much like their Zygbari counterparts, these guys are
typically referred to simply as "heavies." Their suits can function
underwater or in the icy blackness of space. Here, they seem to be
planting a demolition charge on the surface of a disabled enemy ship...
which looks surprisingly familiar somehow...

"No, no! THIS one goes there, THAT one goes there!"

These guys are actually some of my favorite minifigs. I just really like
the way they turned out. Note the belt decal on the back of the minifig on the far right.
Spared no detail! The visor decals will probably end up being re-used on
some Halo minifigs in the future... (Hint-hint... Halo 3 customizable
Spartans!). The engine on the back of the suit, by the way, is used for
propulsion either underwater or in space... it can be modified for either
use depending on the circumstances.

And now for something a little different... something with a bit more
finesse... a bit more discretion and subterfuge... something like the
Yavakaro Shadow Ops. Also possibly known as... SPACE NINJA! ZOMG!

Little is known about the Yavakaro Shadow Ops, or just Shadows for short.
And rightfully so, since Yavakaro actually denies that they even exist.
Some believe they are merely highly-trained soldiers... others think they
are mercenaries... some rumors say they are actually the Hands of the Six
(the personal bodyguards at the bottom of this page)... and a few even go
so far as to insinuate that they may be members of the Six themselves.
Whoever they are, they are seldom seen and operate with deadly precision.

At many key events such as meetings between influential people, important
battles, and even political assassinations, Shadow Ops have been spotted,
often merely as a shadow on a video monitor, leaving no trace of their
presence behind... except, sometimes, a few dead bodies. From what has
been seen, they appear to wear black mesh suits that blend in with their
environments, but occasionally appear purple where the light shines on
them right... though this may simply be one mode the Shadows use when they
actually WANT to be seen.

Aside from this tight, form-fitting mesh body-glove, the Shadows wear no
armor. Their gear ranges from silenced firearms to blades of many types,
including knives and blazer swords. They always wear masks, and typically
some form of vision-enhancing goggles as well.

A few more facts about the Yavakaro Shadow Ops:
- All of them are mammals.
- They are the ultimate paradox. On the one hand they don't give a crap,
but on the other hand, they are very careful and precise.
- When provoked, one of the many
abilities of the Shadow Ops is to flip out and kill people.
- They can be mean OR totally awesome.

Of all the Yavakaro guys you see here, these are the ones I worked the
hardest on. I had to re-design the decals several times to get the details
to show up, especially the purple highlights. Note the male and female
shadows. Clearly they are equal-opportunity employers. The one on the
right there may in fact be the mercenary known as Spectra. There's no way
to be sure.

Space ninjas not good enough for you? Luckily for you, we also have space
samurai! These are the royal guards and enforcers to the Six, the secret
council that rules Yavakaro. As such, they are known as the Hands of the
Six. The guy in purple robes in the middle there is, of course, a member
of the Council of the Six. The identities of the Six are secret, and they
always wear masks. Who they are and how they decide their successors when
one of them dies or steps down is entirely unknown to anyone but

Highly trained, the Hands of the Six are the closest thing that nation has
to super-soldiers. They are not part of the regular army and usually work
alone, though most soldiers are required to follow their orders when
given. The armor worn here by the Hands is largely ceremonial in nature,
but still effective. It is always worn when they are in guard duty over
the Six, but when they are sent on a mission, they wear whatever suits the
situation, including the armor worn by the Heavies, or according to some
rumors, the Shadow Ops.

Another illusion manifested by Yavakaro: their outfits may look primitive
from a distance... but they also have guns!