LEGO by: Justin R. "Saber-Scorpion" Stebbins

The soldiers of Zygbar: Heavies, Higlanders, Grunts, Guards, some
Regulars, and even a Fanatic). All standing around on one of my favorite
baseplates, which I have never built anything on just because I love the
baseplate itself too much.

While most soldiers of the "Big Four" Human countries (Victory, Xarkon,
Yavakaro, and Zygbar) wear duranium alloy plate armor, with mesh
underneath, which has the ability to change color on command... Zygbari
soldiers aren't able to afford such expensive luxuries. They wear simple
bulletproof vests with cloth camouflaging. Notice how some have pulled the
cloth around their neck down to cover the orange Zygbar emblems on their

The grunts are Zygbar's lowest-ranking troops, and they usually get the
dirtiest jobs, such as digging the trenches, carrying the extra supplies,
and a lot of much worse things that needn't be detailed. Many grunts are
criminals who chose life in the army over prison time. The only rank
considered in the universe considered more humiliating than a Zygbari
grunt is the rank of "Scum" in Grimm's Army (usually the mercs who are
pretty much slaves, working only for food).

Unlike the grunts, Zygbari regulars are rigorously trained and highly
disciplined. Conscripted into the army at a young age and educated with
100% propaganda, they fight with fierce patriotism for the Flag of the Sun
Dragon, but are considered little more than machines by their superiors.

In the early days of the rebellion against Xarkon, Zygbari soldiers were
like a brotherhood, all caring for, and willing to die for, each other.
But once the rebellion gained power and became a government, those days
ended, and now they very much resemble the thing they fought against: the
Xarkon Empire.

Some Zygbari soldiers still get into the spirit of the thing, however.
Their actions are inspired less by loyalty and more by hatred of the
enemy, which is drilled into them from a young age in Zygbar's propaganda
institutions. These men are the Fanatics, and they are more than willing
to die for their country, so long as they take out as many enemies as they
can along with them. Hundreds or thousands of Fanatics had to be either
sent on suicide missions or executed when Roscoe allied with Xarkon,
because all of their hate was trained toward that country, which they
considered Zygbar's blood enemy. Fanatics are low-intelligence soldiers
with very short lifespans.

Zygbar may be the poorest of the Big Four, but it still has money, and
some of its soldiers do wear full Duranium Plate armor like those of other
nations (though ever so slightly inferior in quality). Only the best
soldiers earn this privilege. Because of their armor, they are referred to
as "Heavies" by the rest of the army. Heavy armored soldiers are most
often seen in high-security compounds and on the few large starships in
Zygbar's limited Star Navy.

But by far the most loyal and highly-trained soldiers in Zygbar's army are
the Chancellor's Guards. Roscoe O'Donnell (shown here in the center) is no
fool; he knows that the only way to keep his guards from being bought is
to buy them himself. The Guards are among the wealthiest citizens in
Zygbar, living in huge mansions, enjoying all the luxuries of life when
not on duty protecting their benefactor, Roscoe, from harm. They are
referred to with the title of "Sir" and are required to be shown respect.
Roscoe is all about money and power, and he holds no illusions that anyone
else is any different.

The traditional spears carried by the Guards are capable of emitting large
energy shields from the spear heads. Thus, when crossed over their leader
like so, they protect him from harm.

Still, the Royal Guards are not deployed in the field, and their training
concentrates exclusively on protection of the Chancellor. So the best true
"soldiers" of Zygbar are actually the Highlander Guerillas, usually just
called the Highlanders. The Highlanders started out as a small group of
Victorian soldiers that left victory and started training mercenaries for
Zygbar, in exchange for high pay. They did their job well, learning the
ways of the desert and working out the absolute best strategies to use in
order to win a battle with as little loss of life as possible. They are
known for setting up elaborate traps in order to gain as much advantage
over their foes as they can. Trained in all types of weapons and combat, a
single Highlander can hold off an advancing army, so long as he is able to
set up the terrain beforehand.

The overall skill and enthusiasm of the Highlanders has been decreasing
ever since they were officially declared part of the Zygbari army. Now
known as the "High Desert Division," they receive slightly less pay and
have less choice concerning their missions. Many of the original
Victorians in charge of the group have left for better job offerings,
including Nick Wolfe, who is now a major leader in Grimm's Mercenary Army.

The Zygbari army standing ready for battle. Roscoe *would* be standing up
front, but it's just much too dangerous up there... and him such a large
target, what with his "big bones" and all.

By the way, Roscoe doesn't really wear a monocle (although I'm sure I
could come up with some kind of excuse for him to do so); I just couldn't
stand to choose a different head for him, since this has been his head
ever since I invented the character in early LEGO games with my brother
and sister.

For the Sun Dragon! The Army of Zygbar may be a motley crew, but together
they are a force to be reckoned with.