LEGO by: Justin R. "Saber-Scorpion" Stebbins
Model Name: DWP-WH4 "Kampilan"
Weight Range: Heavy
Speed: Medium
Armaments: 3 medium ballistic cannons, 2 heavy energy cannons, 2
anti-personnel blazer machine guns, 2 medium blazer cannon mounts
Capacity: 1 Pilot

Okay, so I was sitting around trying to think of something to make, and I
saw the Creators "Wild Hunters" set I received for my birthday, still
lying there unopened. So I opened 'er up and started tossing together some
parts. Since most of the parts were related to building the legs of the
main model (a lion), a walker is what resulted. So is the Kampilan walker
a lion? Well, it doesn't think of itself as a lion. You might as well
though; it has a mighty roar.

History time: Zygbar is a poor nation, the poorest of all the Big Four
(Victory, Xarkon, Yavakaro, Zygbar), and the one with the youngest
government (since the rebel group that now rules there only "recently" won
independence from Xarkon. As a result, most of their technology is either
very old or "borrowed" (often stolen). Many of their walkers are the same
models as Xarkon's.

The Kampilan is one of the more traditional ones. The design had previously
been "retired" in favor of more modern models, but when they failed to live
up to the exceptional service record set by the Kampilan, Zygbari military
leaders had old Kampilan models rebuilt, refitted, and improved for use in
the modern world. It was cheaper than making a brand new model, and it was
more reliable as well. The result is what stands before you.

The Kampilan is classified as a heavy walker. I originally intended for it
to be a medium when I started building it, but I decided to bump it up to
heavy when I saw the results of my labors. Heh.

As with all walkers, the legs were the hardest part. I was originally
planning to make a humanoid mech, since I have so far made no humanoid Nova
Refuge walkers, but then I switched to reverse-joint, as usual. I just can't
help it! They look so much cooler!

I built the legs first this time, giving them a sort of Imperial AT-ST shape
and design, but when the head was finished, the legs would no longer support
it. So I was forced to, as usual, sacrifice mobility for the sake of
sturdiness. It can still pose a bit though, as seen here.

When building the head, I tried to make the hoses running from the missile
rack visible underneath the walker's chin, You can just barely see them in
those holes back there. Nice to have at least a little

I was originally trying to build this model "really quick," sort of on the
spur of the moment, but things never seem to work out that way. I ended up
working on it, building and rebuilding parts of it, for much longer than I
intended. Especially the legs, shoulders, and the guns on the front of the

I pretty much depleted my supply of tan slopes on this bad boy. I thought I
was going to end up "borrowing" parts from my Slashrim pseudodragon, but I
was thankfully able to avoid it. I've still successfully kept pretty much
all of my Nova Refuge creations intact.

Notice the sword emblem on one shoulder, an image of the weapon from which
the Kampilan takes its name. It was a weapon of the Moro people in the
Philippines. This is also the first time I've put my decals of the Zygbari
"Sun Dragon" emblem to use myself, though they've been in my shop for while

For some reason, this is actually my favorite picture. It captures a lot of
the detailing I tried to put into the legs and back. The model really looks
better in real life than it does in these photos. I'm sure some people will
tell me the color scheme looks "garbled," but that's partially what I was
going for. This is Zygbar, after all... the poorest major Human nation.

By far my favorite part of the walker: the way the canopies open. I was
trying to come up with something original. First, the armor panel on top
comes up...

Then the main transperium windshield opens. Some people don't give their
walkers windshields. I always do. I just like them better, and I feel like
the pilot would as well. The cockpit interior is moderately detailed.

Zygbar always makes their pilots wear bright orange all over. There are
several reasons for this, but one of them is to say: "Your vehicle is worth
far more than you are." After all, if a pilot *does* get his expensive
machinery destroyed, he is then forced to walk around in a bright orange
jumpsuit. Often in a battlefield, where enemies are constantly looking for
anther Zygbari to shoot. It's a walk that probably won't last very long.

Size comparison time. For some reason, the walker looks smaller in the
images to me than it does in person. It's about 11 inches tall.

I'm not sure what that little thing in the middle of the two anti-personnel
machine guns on the nose is. Maybe it's some kind of targeting device or
sensor. But no, it's not a third gun.

Notice the drum on the ballistic weapons arm for storing ammo. Above that is
a hole for the expended shell to shoot out of. I try to include this sort of
thing, since my favorite thing about ballistic weapons in Mechwarrior 4 was
seeing the shells come flying out after shooting them.

Another detail I like to include is the exhaust vent for the missile rack.
And also lower boosters on the legs, for that extra push as well as for
maneuvering while in flight.

The oblong barrels of the energy weapon mark this particular gun as a "slicer"
class beam-emitter. Slices through armor better than most other types,
leaving the telltale oblong markings like knife-cuts.

I think I took too many photos again. I'm running out of things to say. Note
the uh... toes. They're for, um... balance and... um... traction. And stuff.

For comparison purposes, I dusted off the ol' Manegarm and positioned him
beside the Kampilan. I've actually been thinking about taking the Manegarm
and pumping it up a bit. I'd like to take it and increase the size of just
about everything but the head. I think it could stand to be taller and
Huge diagram images! I originally was trying to make desktops, but I think
they're too busy to use for that purpose. Oh well.