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Revision as of 23:38, 22 April 2023

The Gorr are a lesser-known species of the Natives of Nova Refuge, their civilization underdeveloped and their species now nearly extinct. They were almost entirely wiped out by Helexith in relatively recent history, but some small groups of them still thrive in hidden corners of the galaxy, living peacefully and pastorally, taking no part in the greater affairs of the universe.


Gorr history is short and tragic. Existing peacefully for no one knows how long, the Gorr were discovered by Helexith and conquered. The Mahlok, however, declared them weak, useless, and primitive; their slow movements, lack of technological advancement, and refusal to be ruled resulted in Helexith choosing to wipe them out instead of use them. The Council of Harmony, however, managed to step in and save the Gorr from total genocide, whisking away small groups of Gorr and spreading them across far away and undisclosed planets to live out their lives in peace. Small Gorr settlements remain on these planets, and they have never left the planets since.


Gorr society is seemingly simple to those who do not understand their pheromones and incredibly subtle displays of emotion. They put no stock in doing things quickly, nor do they have any interest in technological advancement, electricity and industry, or any technology beyond their very simple, tribal lifestyle. The Gorr favor art and beautiful things over all others, though their sense of beauty looks very naturalistic: the create pottery painted with nature scenes, woven baskets, and intricately-carved furniture. They create no weapons and no vehicles other than simple hand-carts. On the rare occasion that Gorr tribes misunderstand each other enough to end in violence, they fight only with their natural weapons - a brutal and bloody confrontation. However, Gorr by nature avoid any and all violence as much as possible, so any Gorr battling another is incredibly rare. Since they move so slowly, to a Human, they seem to achieve almost nothing in a single day. Gorr live in small villages of thatched huts in a tightly-knit community, the elders and parents passing along knowledge of their various vocations - farming, pottery, weaving, and others - to their children.


Gorr are immense, towering over nearly other species of Native save for Wrognoth and Slashrim. They are very lanky, with long, skinny limbs and bodies absolutey covered in thick, shaggy fur ranging in coloration from white to brown to grey and occasionally black. Their fur is so thick it is all but impossible to make out many details of their form, including their faces, which are entirely enshrouded except their beady, black eyes. Both sexes of Gorr have long, twisted horns sprouting from their skulls, and instead of fingers, Gorr only have incredibly long, pointed claws with which they can manipulate their simple tools and mechanisms. They have thick cloven hooves for feet. Males and females are discernible only by the females having mammary glands, and even those are difficult to see through the fur. The gangling appearance of the Gorr's limbs should not be mistaken for weakness, however: a healthy adult Gorr can rival even a Slashrim Zrillak in strength.